Document Details
Document Type |
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Article In Journal |
Document Title |
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Effects of Short-Term Exposure to Crude-Oil on the Ultrastructure of Hepatocytes and Observations on Growth, Protein, RNA, DNA Concentration and their Ratios in Flatfish Flounder (Platichthys flesus) Effects of Short-Term Exposure to Crude-Oil on the Ultrastructure of Hepatocytes and Observations on Growth, Protein, RNA, DNA Concentration and their Ratios in Flatfish Flounder (Platichthys flesus) |
Document Language |
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English |
Abstract |
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The crude oil-induced growth rate, protein synthesis, RNA : DNA ratio indices and electron microscopical investigations on liver and on other tissues have been investigated in the flounder, Platichthys flesus. The liver registering greater sensitivity to crude oil exposure. Different ultrastructural changes in hepatocytes included: appearance of large lysosomal vacuoles; distorted and swollen mitochondria with affected cristae; endoplasmic reticulum segments with dilation; loss of ribosomes, edema progressing to the state of cytoplasmic chaos and the cell rupture. The cell membrane of affected hepatocytes exhibited consistent irregular appearance, with a small series of fold and hepatocytes themselves becoming irregular; however, necrotic hepatocytes were seldom observed. The crude oil further has an obvious effect on growth rates and protein synthesis. The synthesis rate was observed in the order of decreasing sensitivity to crude oil as: liver > whole body > white muscles. The observations on RNA concentration, RNA/DNA ratio and the protein concentration were significantly affected and ranked as: whole body > liver > white muscles. The protein concentration have the same pattern as of RNA concentration. It was concluded that the present exposure of crude oil, based on various parameters affected in various ways to consumable fishes and hence considered serious for human health. |
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1818-4952 |
Journal Name |
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World Applied Sciences Journal |
Volume |
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36 |
Issue Number |
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1 |
Publishing Year |
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1439 AH
2018 AD |
Article Type |
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Article |
Added Date |
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Sunday, June 23, 2019 |
H. M. Heba | Heba, H. M. | Investigator | Doctorate | |
I. M. Abu Zeid | Abu Zeid, I. M. | Researcher | Doctorate | |
A. Waseem | Waseem, A. | Researcher | Doctorate | |
A. M. Kelany | Kelany, A. M. | Researcher | Doctorate | |
H. F. Shazly | Shazly, H. F. | Researcher | Doctorate | |
G. A. EL Hag | EL Hag, G. A. | Researcher | Doctorate | |
D. F. Houlihan | Houlihan, D. F. | Researcher | Doctorate | |
M. A. Niamat | Niamat, M. A. | Researcher | Doctorate | |
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